Go Prayer - Gulf
Increase the prayer movement in the region and beyond by empowering the churches to come together in unity, to pray and to be ready for the harvest to join hands and to work together.
As prayer is the root of the vision, our aim is to equip and increase the prayer movement in GCC and others places of the world by
- Prayer conferences, we are encouraging all Gulf region to come and stand together
- Prayer schools: we do prayer schools for all Gulf region in UAE and other countries in Gulf
- Prayer trips: to help followers of Jesus to experience the truth of effective and powerful prayer in different nations
- Prayer days: to call the body of Christ from different churches to come together to pray for the nation
- Providing teaching on prayer and other related topics for local churches
- Helping and encourage churches to start and develop their prayer ministries and prayer meetings
- Being a part and supporting others prayer network or prayer ministry in the region